Bodh Pharma

Snigdhakshi Ghrita

Snigdhakshi Ghrita


Drishtida refreshing eyewash powder is the unique product by BODH pharma, useful in treating many eye related complaints caused due to over use of screen, travelling, late night work, exposure to sunlight & long term reading.It contains selective Indian herbs mentioned in classics of Ayurveda , which are being practised since thousands of years for the different eye related issues.


Key components:
❖ Chandana , Yashti , Padmaka ,Mustak , Ushira and rose water in it gives cooling and refreshing effects .
❖ Triphala is well known anti-inflammatory herbs in Ayurveda .
❖ Amalaki is popular as antioxidant in Ayurveda.
❖ Draksha , Padmak and Yashti helps to reduce dryness of the eyes.
❖ Lodhra and Darvi acts against allergic reaction to the eyes.

Here are some of the benefits that Nayanabhyang Oil offers:
❖ Drishtida eye wash works amazingly well in treating common eye problems like irritation, burning sensation, eye strain, and blurriness of the vision and headache caused by overuse of screen
❖ It gives refreshing and cooling effect to the tired eyes
❖ Reduces dryness of the eyes
❖ Highly useful in computer vision syndrome
❖ It helps to maintain good vision
❖ It helps to strengthen eye muscles and reduces oxidative stress

Dosage and direction :
Deep infusion bag into 100 ml pure water 5 minutes.
After proper infusion of the material take out the bag.
Fill this liquid in eyewash cups.
Deep both eyes together and blink for 30 to 40 times or a minute.
Do not wipe or wash thereafter or Use daily once , twice or as directed by physician.

Additional information


10 ml



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